Title : Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up
link : Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up
Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up
"Sit up straight.
Don't slump.
Don't slouch.
Lay your napkin
on your pouch.
Have patience.
Let your hostess pour.
One lump or two -
not three or four."
What are the chances of being invited to tea with the Queen? Few, I would guess. So, what happens when the invitation is scooped from a windy sky by an elephant at the zoo. Of course, all of his animal friends are thrilled and delighted to attend. We can see from the young prince's face that the feelings are mutual. The Queen - surprised at their arrival would be an understatement!
Gracious she is, and the expectations for perfect manners are high.
"No wolfing food or snapping jaws.
Use your fork and not your paws.
Resist the urge to lick you chin.
Choose silverware from outside in."
The rhyme is lively, the antics predictable. As the place gets messier and messier, the Queen's response reaches a fever pitch. The prince? Not in the least disturbed by the merriment and chaos, he roars with delight and encourages the animals in their enjoyment of the feast.
"Oh, do sit still. Refrain from spills.
Mind your antlers. Watch your quills.
No reaching, grabbing - mercy me! -
however long your tongue may be."
You can picture it, can't you? If not, you have Jenn Harney to thank for providing the hilarious interpretation of the lack of manners here displayed. In double page spreads, with animals and royalty filling every space, she shows each and every suggestion for behavior in terms of how 'not' to behave when accepting such an invitation. Young readers are sure to enjoy the mayhem, while also learning a lesson in manners.
The advice is delivered, the attempts for proper etiquette clearly shown, and the results too much fun for everyone in attendance. Should all advice be followed, another invitation is likely.
What are their chances now?
Thus Article Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up
that is all articles Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in a post on other articles.
You are now reading the article Never Trumpet with a Crumpet, written by Amy Gibson and illustrated by Jenn Harney. Boyds Mills Press, Highlights. $23.95 ages 3 and up the link address https://tellingguidefor.blogspot.com/2019/04/never-trumpet-with-crumpet-written-by.html
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