Title : Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX"
link : Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX"
Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX"
from DC's anarchist cartoonist Mike Flugennock -
"Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX"
After Elon Musk bought Twitter, declared it a "free speech zone",
started letting all the fascists back in and shutting down the Left,
there was some understandable online rioting this week, and the
predictable calls from America's boutique anarchist media to join an
exodus to Mastodon. Oh, how I laughed.
So, late last week, Apple and Google finally got off their goddamn
duffs and declared that Twitter would be shut out of the Google Play
and Apple App stores if the enabling of fascist hate speech and
harassment was allowed to continue. Musk, at his very Muskmost,
announced that he would develop his own brand of smartphone whose App
Shoppe would allow Twitter.
...which basically leaves Gab and Parler in a spot, when you think
about it. Now, you don't have to go to some seedy, fringey fascist
social-media site to spew your shit; you can just go to Twitter.
Sometimes these gags draw themselves.
9x17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 589kb
"Elon Musk says he'll create an 'alternative' smartphone if Twitter is
kicked out of the Apple App Store", Kali Hays at Business Insider,
"Elon Says He'll Make His Own Phone If Apple and Google Deplatform
Twitter", Jody Serrano at Gizmodo, 11.25.2022
"This Is America #177: Fediverse Grows as Musk Tanks Twitter;
Far-Right Beaten Back from Eugene to Penn State", It's Going Down
podcast 11.13.2022
Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons: http://www.sinkers.org/stage
Mike's press kit: http://sinkers.org/stage/?page_id=2
After Elon Musk bought Twitter, declared it a "free speech zone",
started letting all the fascists back in and shutting down the Left,
there was some understandable online rioting this week, and the
predictable calls from America's boutique anarchist media to join an
exodus to Mastodon. Oh, how I laughed.
So, late last week, Apple and Google finally got off their goddamn
duffs and declared that Twitter would be shut out of the Google Play
and Apple App stores if the enabling of fascist hate speech and
harassment was allowed to continue. Musk, at his very Muskmost,
announced that he would develop his own brand of smartphone whose App
Shoppe would allow Twitter.
...which basically leaves Gab and Parler in a spot, when you think
about it. Now, you don't have to go to some seedy, fringey fascist
social-media site to spew your shit; you can just go to Twitter.
Sometimes these gags draw themselves.
9x17 inch high-res color .jpg image, 589kb
"Elon Musk says he'll create an 'alternative' smartphone if Twitter is
kicked out of the Apple App Store", Kali Hays at Business Insider,
"Elon Says He'll Make His Own Phone If Apple and Google Deplatform
Twitter", Jody Serrano at Gizmodo, 11.25.2022
"This Is America #177: Fediverse Grows as Musk Tanks Twitter;
Far-Right Beaten Back from Eugene to Penn State", It's Going Down
podcast 11.13.2022
Mike Flugennock, Political Cartoons: http://www.sinkers.org/stage
Mike's press kit: http://sinkers.org/stage/?page_id=2
Thus Article Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX"
that is all articles Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX" This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in a post on other articles.
You are now reading the article Flugennock's Latest'n'Greatest: "Elon Musk's FashFone™ by PhoneX" the link address https://tellingguidefor.blogspot.com/2022/11/flugennocks-latestngreatest-elon-musks.html
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